Transforming something old into something new is very rewarding. No more so than when it is cheap, easy and fun to do! Here's a slightly messy way to give a fabric makeover to any old piece of furniture uisng simple PVC Glue or ModgePodge.
Here's what you need;
Any favourite fabric - big enough to cover the item (I used a €3dress!)
Optional: Primer or waterproof white paint
PVA Glue (€1) or modge podge or wallpaper paste.Scissors & gloves
Optional: clear varnish
This is a picture of a plain wood stool but I was lucky enough to find an already primed stool at a car boot sale. You dont need to prime the wood first but its not a bad idea to if the wood is dark and the fabric you are using is light in colour as you dont want the dark wood to show through. Or may be thats the look you are going for .. in which case carry on as below!
I loved the pattern and colour of this little dress which I found in Penneys on sale for €3! Can't beat that! having draped it over the stool I knew I had enough fabric to cover the stool so I began chopping.
For the stool I decided to cover the seat with one giant round circle of fabric instead of covering the seat with strips.
Mix 2 parts glue to one part water (or the instructions on the wallpaper paste). For the small stool I needed 250ml or half a bottle of PVA glue. I used gloves as this gets messy. To help the fabric stick smear some nondiluted glue directly onto the stool. Soak each fabric strip in the glue and apply to the furniture.
Simply wrap the fabric into place..
Often you need to re-fix pieces on as they come loose especially on rounded edges or corners.. but bear with it.. they'll stick on in place within a few minutes. You may need smaller strips or certain shapes to fill in all the gaps so that the item is totally covered.
This is a great craft to do in bits and pieces because you can leave it and come back to it whenever you get a chance. I found it handy to see how pieces set and then re-cover or re-glue them if necessary later on. Plus.. whoever gets an hour or more uninterrupted time to themselves. This was a great craft to take on in bits and pieces whenever I got the chance.
Once relatively dry paste again with the glue mix. Leave to dry for at least a day or more in a warm place. You can varnish this if you want ..especially if the furniture is going to be near drinks or wet things because the PVA glue is water soluble the fabric will loosen if it gets wet.