
Friday, 3 August 2012

Friday Fun-Handmade Socktupus

Happy Bank Holiday Friday everyone!! To kick off the long weekend ahead he's some Craftea Friday Fun!

The Socktupus is one of the simplest things to make. There is always an odd sock lying around the house .. so why not get creative with it! The little one can help stuff the socktupus and (while an adult uses the scissors) they can help by counting the legs as you snip. You dont need to sew and it only takes a few minutes to complete. Your little one will get some good cuddles out of him while having some fun learning to count to 8 with his legs. Enjoy!

You need a few basic bits and bobs..

one sock - the fluffy ones have a nice effect when its chopped up
stuffing - you can use teddy bear stuffing or some shredded/rolled up paper, or even the other sock!
elastic band
Eyes - some googly eyes
Fabric Glue

Stuff the toe of the sock and tie off the head with your elastic band.

divide the remainder of the sock into half, then half again and snip to make 4 even sized legs. Snip them each in half so you have the 8 legs. Glue on the eyes and you have a Socktupus!