
Friday, 15 March 2013

Luck Of The Irish Fortune Teller Game

This fortune teller game brings me right back to the 80’s, we used to make these in school at break times and write funny things on the inside. I did a bit of research and it turns out the proper name for these are ‘Cootie Catchers’ and they originated in Japan in the 1600’s. Here’s a festive spin on the old school game.

What you need:

Green card
Pen or Marker


1)      Start with a plain piece of green card and try to fold two opposite corners together to make a triangle. Trim the extra piece of paper off at the side. 

2)      You are now left with a square. Take each corner point of the square and fold them into the centre.

3)      Turn it over and repeat the last step. 

4)      Flip over and pull the flaps with loose points away from the body so that you can fit your index fingers and thumbs under the flaps.

5)      Write four words on the outside flaps and the numbers 1-8 on the inner flaps, then write four different types of fortune on the inside ones, these are the hidden answers!!

How to play

1)      Ask the person to pick a word on the outside flaps (Luck/Of/The/Irish)
2)      Spell the word as you open and close the cootie catcher.
3)      Ask the person to choose a number on the inside
4)      Count out the number as you open and close again.
5)      Ask the person to pick another number and reveal their message under that flap.