
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

DIY Snow Soap for Toddlers

Need a cheap and cheerful indoor kids craft idea?  When its too cold to venture out, have the little ones get messy & creative with this great little recipe for Snow Soap  (or "clean mud" as its often referred to) that we came across.  It smells amazing a& feels fantastic  - squishy, squidgy, gooey and soft - which kids adore!  

This gently cleansing, crafty sensory experience gets kids them clean and smelling amazing.  It can be used in the bath or just for indoor play time with some toys in a tub or tray. 

The best part about this kids craft idea is that you probably have everything you need to make this fun snow soap already in your house! 

You'll need: 
½ bar Dove Sensitive Soap (or any other soap which is suitable for your child's young skin). 
1-3 cups water
Clean Cheap Toilet paper –approx 1/3 of a roll
Mixing bowl & microwave
Hand whisk or fork

Start by grating your soap - about 1/3 of a bar of Dove Soap was plenty for us to use. 

Add the 1 cup of water and swirl around the bowl so its mixed well . Microwave for 30 seconds or until the soap has dissolved, then whisk to get the mixture all frothy. Leave to cool.  

Next, get the kids involved ripping up the toilet paper into small thin shreds. When the soap liquid has cooled enough add in the toilet paper.

Whisk it all up again and you'll see the most amazing thing happen... As you whisk and add more water the toilet paper soaks up the soapy water, the mixture thickens & becomes all bubbly and the toilet paper dissolves to become like gloop in the soap mixture. 

Its frothy and gloriously gloopy & smells beautifully clean & soapy!! 

You may need more water depending on how gooey and squidgy you want the ‘snow’ to get. 

The mixture should be like a shaving foam consistency but if you want to make snowballs, just add more toilet paper until it’s malleable enough to make ‘snowballs’.

I poured our mixture out onto a tray and let my daughter  play away with her farm animals on her Snow Soap Farm... she spent hours at this!  

This was so much fun we had to make some for friends ... It bottles up easily once spooned into a clean jar. Label your snow soap and add a cute felt top to the jar secured with an elastic band.  We made this for a  buddy who had the best time ever having a snowball fight in the bath with his batch!


Inspiration sources for this craft came from: