
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

How To Make Puffy Paint for Babies

Babies love making a mess and any type of messy play is so beneficial for their sensory development. Not only is it great fun but it also helps children to build vocabulary and to understand language. Don't be afraid of the mess, just be prepared and make sure they are wearing old clothes or invest in a kids washable apron that can be thrown in the washing machine afterwards. If in doubt the bath is a great place for messy play too.

What you need:

Shaving Foam
Orange Paint
Plain White Paper
Old plastic bowl

  1. Fill a small plastic container with shaving foam.
  2. Mix in roughly three tablespoons of orange paint into the shaving foam and mix throughly.
  3. Draw a pumpkin shape on a piece of paper
  4. Let the fun begin.
  5. Babies love the freedom of painting so let them explore the paint with their hands or show them how to use a paintbrush but small babies will naturally try and eat the paint so encourage them not to as shaving foam doesn't taste very nice.