Egg Cartons can be used in endless ways for home crafts, so always try and save them for a rainy day.
What you need:
Empty egg cartons
White and Black Cardstock (Or googly eyes if you have them)
Festive Ribbon
1) Using your scissors cut your egg cartons into sections of three.
2) Next cut around the bottom of your egg carton in a zig zag shape to create a bat shape.
3) Once you are happy with the shape paint your egg cartons black and leave to dry.
4) To make the ghosts cut your egg cartons into singular cartons and paint white an leave to dry
5) In the meantime cut out circular eye shapes in white card stock and pupils in black card stock. If you have googly eyes even better, you can skip this step.
6) Glue the pupils to the white card stock and glue onto the bat egg cartons
7) Using your scissors make a slit in the top of the cartons and insert your ribbon of choice. Use a little big of cellotape to secure it in place .
Once you have finished them all hang them out of light fixtures or over a window or any place of your choice