At Craftea we adore crafts that are a) simple b) cost effective and c) really pack a punch and add a 'WOW' factor to someone's day.
Well..... this recipe for edible glitter is one of those yummy crafts which ticks all three of our favourite boxes. We vary it slightly with some secret ingredients for the edible crafts that we do with kids at our Craftea Parties (check out for more info and pictures on the kids craft party packages & entertainment we offer in Ireland) and they go down a treat.
The kids adore the stuff and literally gasp when they see a table laid out with tons of edible glitter!!!!
We can't give away all our secrets ...but here's a simplified version of the glitter sugar we use at our parties that we'd love to share with you.
All you need is:
Sugar - castor sugar, granulated sugar, ordinary table sugar.
Food Colouring
Baking Sheet
Baking Tray
Cool oven @ 50degrees celcuis
Clean plastic bags
Its super easy to make! In a clean plastic bag add 1tsp food colouring to 8oz sugar and swish it around so all the sugar gets covered. Then spread this out thinly on a baking sheet (so it wont stick) and dry it out in the oven for about 10minutes. Pour it into a different clean ziplock bag and squish it up so it all breaks apart and its ready to serve on cookies, cupcakes, ice cream ...anything you like!
How awesome are the colours when you vary the amount of food colouring in each portion or mix up the colours to make crazy shades of edible glitter!!!!
You can keep them separate or mix them up for a rainbow of glitzy colour!!!