Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Be Present This Christmas and Put Away Your Phone
This is something that has been on my mind for some time now, but I feel that if I write it down then I am in a way making a promise to myself to make a change and to be more conscious of it.I don't know about you but I am totally addicted to my phone. I check it from the second I wake up in the morning to the minute I go to sleep at night. Sometimes I even check it in the middle of the night if one of the kids is awake or If I wake up for some reason. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Pinterest, Four different email accounts, the list is endless and I'm tired of all the checking in. Don't get me wrong, I love it, it's totally part of my life now especially as I am running a business it's part of my job but it has gotten out of control.
We have all been in the situation when we have been out with a friend for lunch or coffee and they are not present, constantly checking their phone. It is so rude but I have to be honest and say that I have been that friend before, many a time, I think if you have a friend who also does this then it makes it acceptable and you tend to follow suit in their company.
I've also many a time had the kids hanging out of my arm, asking me questions or calling "mummy mummy I want to show you something" or simply looking for my attention to which I've replied hold on a second or just a minute while I continued to scroll through a facebook article or whatsapp group feed etc..
It was only when I went to visit a good friend of mine recently in France for a couple of days with the kids that it really hit home how addicted I am to my phone. My friend doesn't have a smart phone or an iphone, In fact she has a Nokia 3310 from pre-historic times which is totally falling apart but she is quite happy with it and insists she doesn't need or want an iphone or smartphone. I used to slag her about this and I couldn't understand why you wouldn't want one. Being in her company for five days really highlighted to me how much I feel the need to constantly look at my phone and check it all the time. My friend didn't say anything to me but I kinda took the opportunity to switch off from the beginning and I would leave my phone in my room from the morning until the evening. The thought of doing this would freak me out alone. Ok so. I was on holidays so automatically I had kinda consciously tried to switch off from the work stuff but what if I see a really beautiful chateau that I want to instagram, or take a selfie on the beach with the kids? Anyway I did it, as best as I could, it was definitely a challenge and there was a comedown of sorts but what I felt on the other side was a huge relief and a newfound freedom of myself and my time. I noticed that I was no longer distracted, my mind was clearer, I was definitely more present and my kids I'm sure noticed a change too.
Christmas is fast approaching and there will many a night out with friends, family get togethers and general socializing and events. What I am asking you is to try and be present in company this Christmas. Put away your phone, if you are meeting a friend or a family member to catch up for a coffee or a few drinks, try turning your phone on silent or even leave it at home or in the car. If you have kids maybe try and limit the time you spend on your phone while you are at home. Put your phone in another room or set a specific time in the morning and the evening when you look at your phone. Ok let's not go crazy, I know that is a bit extreme but you know where I'm coming from. Give someone the gift of your presence this Christmas, that's all I'm asking,