
Sunday, 26 October 2014

How to make Spooky Icecream Stick Puppets

With the stick puppets its exactly what it says on the tin, simply decorate the sticks and your child's imagination will do the rest. Select any famous ghoul character and let your kids create their own little Halloween friends.

What you need:
Ice cream lolly sticks
Black Marker
Googly eyes
Mini Pom Poms


  1. Paint your ice cream sticks in Halloween inspired colours and leave to dry

2) Decide what Halloween characters you would like to make. We made Frankenstein, pumpkins and some funny faced ghosts.

3) Decorate your puppets with googly eyes and a black marker by drawing on the faces.

4) Glue on pom poms for noes and if you like cut out black felt to stick onto the back of the stick eg. Frankenstein.
5) Have fun playing with your new stick friends. (be careful of small pieces with babies and small toddlers)

All Photo Credits : Liosa MacNamara @AnchorbirdPhotography