Here's how you make this plastic little piece of upcycled art...
- You could use card but a strong background that a simple canvas provides helps hold onto the weight of the bottle tops and caps. A polystyrene board might work well too - and can be found in DIY stores for about €2 for a wall to ceiling length piece. Either way, this craft is all about scale - so think big, and don't worry about the quality of your backing piece as its the bottle tops and caps that speak volumes!
2. Collect some bottle tops..
we also used baby food pouch tops, medicine lids, peanut butter lids, OJ caps, glue lids.. you'll find that with this little piece in mind you'll find something beautiful and quirky about all sorts of plastic or metallic lids, tops and caps from food or household items. Just wash them first to remove all traces of what's left behind.
3. Get arranging all the collected pieces and gluing. Any strong cheap superglue will do the trick nicely - with a lot of mess, we learnt to just wear gloves, and lay the backing canvas/board flat to glue on the pieces. Leave to dry to see if they stick.
That's it! hang and display knowing you have upcycled something otherwise awful and ugly into something arty.. and if we do say so ourselves, so simple and a little bit stunning ... in a colorful, quirky (oh my god you have bottle tops on your wall!!) kind of way.